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3/16/25: Made a custom PLAYZ-bot 3DS theme. Find it here!
2/18/25: New galleries added to My Art
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2B shows you how to properly use an android.
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Welcome to my site!
Sup, I'm Playz. I'm a NSFW artist since 2016 (at least according to my Hentai Foundry). I mostly
draw pinups with dramatic lighting, but I get spicy on occasion. Check out my links to follow
I mostly made this site out of boredom and nostalgia both hitting me hard at the
same time. It's refreshing having a place to myself on the net away from social media. This site
is still a work in progress, and I'm learning HTML and CSS as I go along, so bear with me (god,
please don't look at my code).
My Buttons
Funni Skeletons hee hee hoo hoo
If you don't like my site, then fuck you! Biiiiiiiiiitch